Arlington DUI Lawyer

There are hundreds of DUI lawyers in Arlington, VA. For example, suppose you’ve been charged with driving under the influence. In that case, whether that be the influence of alcohol or drugs, you will need a knowledgeable Arlington DUI lawyer who can use their professional experience to help you prepare for any convictions or serious consequences. In addition, an Arlington DUI lawyer will be responsible for getting all the necessary evidence and interviewing any witnesses, if any.
Having a good legal defense can help to prevent convictions. However, they can help reduce the charges if a conviction is unavoidable. So, if you have a DUI charge in Arlington, getting a DUI lawyer as soon as possible is in your best interest.
Retaining A DUI Lawyer
For you to walk away without any jail time or convictions, you will need a very experienced DUI lawyer. These lawyers will know what must be done from the traffic stop to the end of your case.
An excellent Arlington DUI lawyer has the depth of experience, skills, and even essential resources before facing a judge. In addition, if you have been charged with a DUI for drugs, you can contact an Arlington criminal lawyer who will render any needed legal assistance.
Potential Penalties for an Arlington DUI
If you are pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, this is a class one misdemeanor. The potential penalties for driving under the influence can be seen under sections §18.2-266 and §18.2-270 of the Virginia Code. The minimum fine for this misdemeanor is $250, which depends heavily on the alcohol levels in your system. The higher your (BAC) levels are, the higher the chances of jail. There are also more significant penalties for recidivists, meaning if you’re a commercial driver or this new offense occurred within ten years of another crime.
A DUI conviction can have many collateral consequences; however, this is dependent on the individual and their particular case. If this case is a first, second, or third defense, this will play a significant role in the severity of collateral consequences. Depending on the outcomes, you may need to call an expert Arlington criminal attorney.
Your Insurance Premiums Can Rise After a DUI Conviction
Unfortunately, a common consequence of having a DUI conviction is that your insurance company will increase its premium. In addition, once you have been convicted, the insurance company will recognize you as a higher liability, which means they will raise your insurance rates.
Loss of Job or Career
If you have a job requiring a specific security clearance or requiring that you don’t have a criminal record, you may have an issue. Basically, after conviction, the chances are high that conviction will revoke security clearances, and you can lose your job. However, an experienced Arlington DUI Attorney can help prevent this from potentially occurring and do their best to make sure you don’t lose your livelihood.
Facing an Arlington DUI Charge
There is a multitude of people who get charged with a DUI yearly. Court dates, fines, and fees are only the start of a DUI. The consequences can be extensive. Depending on your charge, hiring an Arlington DUI lawyer is your best bet in getting a favorable outcome. An accomplished DUI lawyer can thoroughly usher you through the entire process and inform you of the upcoming case’s expectations. Hire a reliable home cleaning service in Colorado at The legal system can be overwhelming, so hiring a DUI lawyer in the Arlington area can be stress-relieving.
Call David Deane, an Arlington DUI Lawyer
If you have just received a DUI charge and are located in Arlington, you should call David Deane. David Deane has over 20 years of experience dealing with DUI and DWI charges. We’ll help guide you through the entire process and ensure that all charges are minimized and the damages are reduced as much as possible. So, don’t wait and give David Deane a call today or fill out the form below to schedule a free case overview and explain your rights and options today.